Sunday, August 14, 2011

3 Top inspirator technology from indonesia

Diki Andeas
Diki Andeas is the creator of the comic Consideo. This consistent draw comics comic artist three panels which tells about the absurdity of the world of information technology. Comics with the main character of chicken fat spread through viral power of social media and gained a lot of loyal readers.
A collection of comic strips are also published. Does not only contain the comic panel, this book is a guide for beginners in the field of social media, computers and the internet.

Himawan Nugroho
Project avatars, a professional community that aims to help members build the network. Unlike other social media, this project is devoted to helping its members learning, exchanging knowledge and ideas.
This free Website helps the students learn from the professionals, and connect scientists with teachers and practitioners. Avatar offers to help its members gain the skills and the ability to market themselves.

Senayan Developer Community
This community makes Senayan Library Management System or SLiMS. This is the software used for the management of the library. Everyone is guaranteed to be free to use, modify and distribute this software.
This tool makes the job of librarian to be easy, cheap way. Developed for library automation, the application can be used on digital libraries. At least already 211 library to use it.

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