Sunday, August 14, 2011

Umar patek living treatment after shot in the thigh

According to Journalist Ferdinand Waskita from TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA-a terrorist Kingpin, Umar Patek underwent a medical examination after his arrival in Indonesia from Pakistan. Umar Patek is known in healthy condition while in Detention Houses Two Brimob Coconuts, Mako, Depok.

Lawyer Umar Patek, Asludin Hatjani said his client had given him power of attorney to provide legal aid in live trials in Indonesia. "Yesterday I already signed power of attorney. Umar Patek was undergoing treatment for a wound on the right thigh, "said Asludin, when contacted Friday (12/8/2011).

Asludin said the wound began to dry up and need to be treated for the infection does not occur. Concerning the examination of the case surrounding the bombing it does, the Asludin said police have yet to do so. "Still the administrative examination and health," he said.

Unknown, Umar Patek had arrived in Indonesia yesterday, Thursday (11/8/2011) around 7: 00 pm. With security tight, Umar Patek together with his wife FPilipina citizens have secured in Two Rutan Mako Brimob Coconut, Depok.

Umar Patek is one of several militant that Indonesia would be able to explain to the police about the relationship and the range of a network of radical Islamic militant group in Asia.

Patek was reported injured during a shootout with security forces in an operation to capture him.Umar Patek (41st), allegedly involved in the bombing of a nightclub in Bali, Indonesia, in 2002, which killed 202 people. Since then, some of the key figures in the Southeast Asian network Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) which diuga involved, was captured alive and some were killed in an arrest operation.

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