Thursday, August 11, 2011

How Do You Handle Adversity Written by John Michael

A daughter to his father about his ranting and how things were really very hard for him. He did not know how she handle it and he wanted to surrender. He tired to keep fighting and fighting. It seems like when one problem solved other problems arise.

His father, a chef, brought him to the kitchen, then fill the pot 3 with water and put it on fire. Shortly, the water in the third pot that started to boil. In one pot he put the carrot, in another pot, and he put the eggs in the last he put a pot of beans. He let it boil, without saying a Word.

His daughter with an impatient wonder in him what his father did. He has a problem, and his father made a strange potion. Half an hour later, the father goes to the stove and turn off the fire. He took a carrot and egg and put it on the plate. Then take the last pot of coffee and put it on the glass.

The father asks, "Dear what you see,"
Quickly, he replied, "Carrots, eggs, and coffee."
His father took him closer and asked him to palpate the carrot. He did so and feel the carrots are tender. The father then told her to take the eggs that are boiled it and break it. After opening the egg shell, he observed the contents. Finally, his father told him to drink a little coffee. His face lined felt the power of the taste of coffee. He asked, "what's the point of this is all a father?" The father explains, "Each of these objects have the same thing, 100 degrees hot water. But every body reacts differently. "

"The carrot was originally signed by the State is strong and hard. But after going through the water boils, it becomes soft and weak. " "The eggs are very fragile. The thin outer shell protects the liquid in it. But after being in boiling water, it becomes hardened. " "But the coffee beans are unique. Once they were in the boiling water, he became increasingly powerful and rich flavors and smells. " "Where you are?" The father asked his daughter.

When adversity knocks shut, how do you respond?
Whether you are the carrots, eggs, or coffee beans?

Are you a carrot that looks strong, but with a bit of pain, hardship, the heat you become lethargic and soft without power?

Whether you're an egg, which initially has a soft heart and a passion that continues to flow like a liquid? But after the death of terdekatmu, a separation, a divorce, a LAYOFF you become hard and rigid. Cangkangmu looks the same, but you are the heart and soul, turned out to be very hard and stiff. Or do you like coffee beans? Coffee beans do not have a strong flavor and aroma till it is heated in boiling water to 100 degrees. When the situation gets worse, you're just getting better. When the days are getting dark, the test-the test harder, your soul, it rises to the next level.

How do you handle adversity? Are you a carrot, an egg, or coffee beans?

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