Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The benefits of SHALAT

Shalat islam

If only a message of prayer can we apply in work and daily activities, necessarily result in optimum quality and performance will be. Another positive impact of prayer also bring health. If we see and feel in a gesture of prayer, of interpretation raised both hands starting, ruku, bow, sits down and other movement, nervous tissue of the body will remain supple and relaxed.

From much research, sujud as is able to free up brain nerves from anxiety, restless sense of pressure and psychological abuse. Complete surrender made the bow makes the brain and nerves be calm and feels empty. A man of prayer has been sharing his unease and unrest to her Lord so it would be handy. With speech and prayer we can unite the movement between the heart and mind to achieve motion fervently. Why tahajud at night so stressed? Because in the silence of the night we will feel a closeness to God.

Every movement of prayer is the language of the ritual, since from the raised hands, bowed, to subdue the head to the ground. It was, if only we appreciate it with depth, far more expressive than a thousand words. When the muslim kneels fervently bowed head and attaching the forehead to the ground, then the set of words is not enough to express the feelings of his heart when cross-legged facing God.

Thus someone who fervently prayed with the code of conduct and will be able to make himself in high confidence to live life as well as genuine complete surrender of all the provisions of the Lord. Life will remain optimistic because it is always close to God.

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