Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rossi and Hayden, good friends, but also the rival on races

Friendship Rossi and Hayden
Bologna-Nicky Hayden tells a lot about his relationship with Valentino Rossi in the Ducati. Although the berkawan well, they still want to beat each other with each other on the track. After two years partnered with Casey Stoner, on this season's new Hayden got mates. Rossi joined the Ducati after leaving Yamaha.

The presence of such a positive reception from Rossi got Hayden. They berkawan is good, but still so rival on the track. "I think we've got a great team. We are the only team with two world champions in it at the moment. So, this is quite unique in its own way and we still get along fine, "said Hayden on the official site of the MotoGP. "Me and him, of course want to beat each other with each other. He is superior to 16 points over me. It can be a great honor for me if you can beat him. He won the world nine times and had pretty much set the standard over the past decade, "Advanced rider of this United States origin.

This season, Ducati still scattered behind Honda and Yamaha. The various efforts made the team Italy was not yet also makes them competitive. "I learned a lot from him, so did the opposite. This new Motor for him and he asked and wanted to know why. I think now the results are not yet visible, "said Hayden. "But, I think next year will be paid off as we enter the new regulation and return to 1000 cc. I think got mates that run in the same direction are better than two people who want to walk into a different direction,"

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