Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What is RSS

RSS stands for Really Simple Sindication, which is a syndication system that allows you to get updates / latest article from your favorite Web sites automatically. Suppose you really like this blog (just an example you know!), Then by enrolling in my RSS you will gain new articles every time I update this blog.

First, Internet users who do not want to miss the latest updates from favorite sites have to bookmark these sites on your computer's browser and then check it regularly and periodically to see if there are new articles are added. Then when he checked the site has been updated of course very good. But what if it has not checked the site was also being updated? Or what if for some reason you forgot to check?

That's why you need a RSS. By registering yourself in your favorite RSS sites, you will not miss the latest updates because a copy will be sent directly to you. In simple terms RSS is analogous functions as delivering newspapers. If the content is a newspaper and you are a newspaper reader, the RSS is delivering newspapers that will send the newspaper to you. Of course before you must register first so registered as the newspaper's subscribers.

How do you use RSS?

To use RSS is very easy. I'm sure you've seen the orange RSS button into the background as the topmost widget sidebar of this blog. Variations RSS button is getting a lot, but you'll see the same characteristics as two curved lines and white dots. Or you'll also have often come across a link that reads "Get recent articles via RSS feed of this blog!" Or something like that I put on top of the sidebar of this blog.

Well, subscribe to RSS site / blog your favorite, simply click the RSS button or link contained on the pages of the site / blog. Next you'll be taken to the page "Current Feed Content" (if used are FeedBurner RSS). On this page there are many options RSS Reader, you can just choose which one is desired. We recommend using the most familiar to you because it will be easier to use, for example Add to Google or My Yahoo.

We take the example you want to use Google services, then click the "Add to Google" and you will be taken to a page Add to Google. Here you will be given two options in which you want to receive the feeds, Google Homepage or Google Reader? To receive feeds in your Google Homepage please click the "Add to Google Homepage", and to receive a feed in Google Reader click on the "Add to Google Reader". If you enroll to many sites, you should select the Google homepage in order to feed all of the site displayed on your iGoogle page.

For those who want to use the service Yahoo, click the "My Yahoo!" and select "Subscribe". Next you'll be taken to the page My Yahoo. Finish by clicking the "Add to New". Done.

Want to Subscribe Directly via Email?

This is the easiest way to subscribe to the latest articles from your site / blog your favorite. Almost the same as how to register RSS Reader, first click the RSS button on your blog / site you want to subscribe. Then select "Get delivered by email." Next you'll be taken to a page "Email Subscription Request". Fill in your email address and anti-spam letters in the field provided, then click "Complete Subscription Request". Moments later FeedBurner will send a verification email to the email address you entered earlier. Open the email and click the verification link included. Done.

Now many sites / blogs that provide a form or a special link to make RSS readers to register via email. You simply click on the link and then be taken to the page "Email Subscription Request" to enter the anti spam letters. Then click "Complete Subscription Request" and wait for a verification email from Feedburner. Once the email into your mailbox, open it and click the verification link in it. Beres deh.

Here's a little explanation of RSS from me. Hopefully this explanation is helpful for those who want to understand what RSS is and what its usefulness. If you have a blog and want to increase the number of RSS subscribers to your blog, you should make a brief explanation of RSS on the blog. Or if you find it difficult to make, you can use this page as a link. The way is by putting a link to a page in your blog.

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