Saturday, July 23, 2011

About Compound ( Kompon )

Compound red = normal after using that car's paint. Power wiped the red compound is very strong, and not ever recommended pake red compound. Painters now have no one want to use the red compound.

Compound can also make removing red blisters in the glass, but must use a polishing machine.

White compound = people - ordinary people of this pake make car polish, but it's a big mistake. White compound still has a fairly strong power wiped out. Usually used after painters repainted the car. To hell if we should only be using that if there is a considerable blisters are not lost pake dalem polish and smooth the compound. Can also be used to paint ngilangin if we are hit by another car.

Compound fine = this compound can only be purchased in a particular place aja. And I know brand scratch-x by Meguiar's. This compound has wiped out power to paint the lowest. Ngilangin abrasions are common for a not too palace and swirl (the usual fine scratches visible under direct sunlight). Can also be used to remove paint if hit by another car.

Polish = point to close the swirl and the beret as smooth and lustres. Remember, just shut down, not eliminate, such as the compound. Paint wiped out power to almost nothing.

Wax = as protector of the ultra-violet paint and polishing the paint. No power wiped out.
People sometimes misinterpret in a car polish. Usually a car polish compound by using white and yellow kit, or by using the yellow kit only. Actually with the overuse of the product layer will be the faster car paint thinner.
To polish the car at least can use the turtle wax or silicone products amway glaze. Both products are a combination of polish and wax. To close the soft beret the best are the silicon glaze, because the glaze is a soft material to cover the beret and the silicon serves as a protective paint. Both products are very simple with its use because the application can use a hand.
If you want to remove scratches or abrasions can use white compound and then polishing with a product that I recommend above.

How do I remove mold in the car body?
how can a white compound used, and should use Meguiar's scratch-x (but very high prices) of new polish and wax. Or by using glass mushroom brands Dobeli with water mixed 1:5 or 1:10, then went on polishing.

To get rid of the fungus with fungus medicine glass, pengerjaanya must hati2 and quick. Because fungal drugs should not be used on surfaces that are still under the scorching heat and direct sunlight. So it took the experience for its application.

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