Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How to clean the ears well and correctly.

Ear Cleaning
In the ear, precisely in the third outer hairy ears, there is oil or wax glands. This serves to prevent entry of dirt, insects, and bacteria. Under normal circumstances this would remove the oil gland bit by bit, melted out to the ear. Waste resemble dirt or soft clay, but will dry by itself. Once dry, the oil producing glands was going to come back. Similarly, its mechanism of action in cleaning the ear naturally. But if the ear canal too often stimulated, these glands will remove excess oils that are less good for ear health.

To note, if you do not clean with a cotton bud to the ear canal. If it comes to the ear canal, most of the dirt will be pushed even deeper into the ear drum which then accumulates and petrified. Especially if the type of dry, hard stools. "This is where someone will get in trouble because of the inner ear itch. If the scraped-match itself, with a match ear for example, can cause severe skin or eardrum, itchy skin like eczema or even occur until purulent infection (otitis media) aka congek ", dr. Hadjar. Case ear disorders in infants due to a wrong way to clean the ears is quite common in Indonesia. These infections often cause a fever.

If there is dirt that has been known to harden near the eardrum, should alert you to a specialist ENT. Usually the doctor will prescribe ear drops (carbolic glycerine 10%) to solve these impurities. Dirt that has been sprayed broken or scraped out. Infections that may arise due to irritation of dirt was overcome by administering antibiotics.

In addition can lead to infection, fossilized feces will cause ear pain or a bit deaf after a swim. Because the incoming water is impeded exit. In fact, if the hole is clogged ears just right, can lead to dizziness or vertigo (spinning), especially when you are swimming in cold water.

Disorders of the ear is clogged impurities can also arise when a plane. Because the incoming air at high pressure can not come out freely. As a result, the ear is going to hurt even the most worrisome if the eardrum to rupture. Well, the division of candy is usually done by the stewardess on the plane before take-off indirectly in fact useful for the health of our ears. Chewing or sucking on candy something can balance the air entering through the ears, so that air is not locked inside.

Colds and ear disorders The disease was sometimes annoying runny ears because the hole that connects the middle ear to the nose (tuba eustachius) become inflamed or even blocked. When we plan a plane or swimming at the time suffering from severe colds, you should first see a doctor to get drops or inflammation that can cope with it. The divers are encouraged not dive when suffering from colds, because of water pressure in desperate need of respite entry-exit of air through the tube. If eustachius his tuba is experiencing inflammation of the air will be blocked and could lead to rupture of the eardrum. Or at least, we have ear pain or vertigo attacks because the air trapped inside. On the other hand, a cold disease that never healed in children can cause middle ear infections especially if the part is filled with piles of dirt or liquids.

Other disorders of the ear could also be due to the entry of foreign objects into the auditory channel. Many small children who like to incorporate whole grains into the ear. Hard objects that enter these dangerous if not taken immediately to urgent because the eardrum or the shifting position of the bones of hearing.

There is another type of virus that can attack the auditory nerve. This viral disease attacks can cause pain in the ear due to reduced blood flow to the hearing instrument. This kind of disease called sudden deafness.

Trauma noise pollution The ear consists of three parts namely the outer, middle, and deep. The outside and center plays an important role in collection and delivery of voice. While the inner ear has a mechanism to keep the body balanced and responsible for converting sound waves into electrical waves.
Through the ear hole, the incoming sound will thrill of hearing the glass membrane in the ear cavity. These vibrations will move the bones of hearing to the stapes. Fluid in the cochlea (the cochlea), too vibrate. This fluid movement makes the hair cells stimulated. This stimulation of the auditory nerve that eventually captured transmitted to the brain. Normal humans are able to hear the sound frequency 20-20000 Hz (unit of sound based on the calculation of the number of vibrations per second the sound source) with the intensity or the level of violence under 80 decibels (dB).

The sound on top of that if continued and enforced can damage your hearing because it could turn off the function of hair cells in the auditory system. Early symptoms are often not perceived except ears were ringing, followed by a decrease in hearing. "Trauma sound experienced by many factory workers," said dr. Hadjar anyway. According to ENT experts it will be safe as long as the plant noise is still below 80 dB. But if you go up 3 dB, a person should take a break after working four hours, especially if the engine sounds coarse and dull. Or, if necessary, wear earplugs. Noise on the road every day to hear the bus drivers could have a negative impact on hearing the driver.

Instead the music loud though, most can still be tolerated by the ear because it feels good to hear. "Music can go bad even loosen ear blood vessels," said dr. Hadjar, referring to research results singer of The Beatles for 5 years.

But according to dr. Hendarta Hendarmin, another ENT specialist in the Digest in 1991, of investigation concerning the dangers of loud sounds on some disco music (between 100-110 dB), loud music can damage hearing someone who was there every day. Especially if the music sounds so exceeding the normal limit that can tolerate ear. The amount of sound effects to the ear indeed a lot depends on the intensity and duration of hearing, the amount of time listening, as well as the sensitivity of each, including the age of the listener, added Hendarmin.

Conversely, the music soft and pleasant like a classic, keroncong, flutes, gamelan, could instead participate soothing the mind and help relieve stress. In fact, there is a famous neurosurgeon who put in a cassette gising Java to be more calm and not rush while dissecting the patient.

The dangers of high blood pressure The people with high blood diseases, in which cells of blood vessels around the ear participate tense and hardened, also must always pay attention to ear health. Therefore, the reduced oxygen intake make it easier for cells to die hearing. "If the patient felt his ears buzzing often get to the doctor before it's too late," advises dr. Hadjar. "If suddenly decreased hearing, immediately ask for immediate medical assistance before the third day".

In the elderly, hearing loss is usually caused by a decreased function of the organ of hearing or referred presbiakusis (1.8 -5%) so hard to find the cause. However, there is research that states, the decline in the elderly was hearing a lot depends on the noise pollution or noise is heard throughout his life. That is, if too often listen to the voices of noisy / loud, physiological process of muscle tissue in the human body will be more easily distracted. Also depends also from the diidapnya degenerative diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, or certain drugs are taken regularly as quinine pills for malaria, streptomycin, etc..

Ear or hearing organ disturbances can indeed vary, in addition to those mentioned above, could also be due to genetic or congenital, nutritional disorders, head trauma, boils, fungus, tumors, etc..

But with good nutrition, use a cotton bud that is not excessive or imposed, regular ear examinations at least every 1 / 2 - 1 year term by ENT specialists as well as maintain the cleanliness of the ears, ear health undoubtedly maintained.

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