Monday, July 25, 2011

Danger of sakazakii bacteria in milk formula.

Research Faculty of Veterinary Medicine IPB revealed there are some brands of formula milk for infants under one year of age that contain bacteria Intero Bacter Sakazaki, bacteria are also called ES causes inflammation of the lining of the brain and intestines and tissues throughout the body The bacteria can menyebabkabkan inflammation of the brain and digestive disorders in infants Hussniah (Chairman POM) appealed for the child should be given asi, no milk formula TSB related bacteria.
Husnuiah also reluctant to mention the 22 types of samples of infant formula milk porridge 13 Husniah Rubiana also say 0-6 months do not give in infant formula, the most sensitive is the 0-1 month old baby.

However, this news is still the discourse, the MOH also gave no official statement on this matter. IPB own party as the researchers declined to comment, saying that the research data they have submitted the Government.

This ambiguity makes people so confused, what is true of dairy products they consumed during these contain the bacteria, there is also a good idea sich, as mothers become more aware of the importance of breastfeeding for child growth, and for entrepreneurs dairy cow milk, so this is an opportunity for them to reap a profit, because the flood of orders, which no other issues not caused by bacteria that spread, thus lowering the purchasing power of local dairy products, gak tau dech whether others are turning to dairy products output.

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