Sunday, July 24, 2011

Reveals the Secrets of Sleeping.

Why do we wake up while sleeping at night remains a mystery. In research to be followed by millions of British people who experience sleep disturbances, scientists solve secrets of good sleep. Research shows all the way to bursts of brain waves deep in the brain. Those who produce the most electrical shock, which is called the wave, best night's sleep.

Brain waves is estimated to be a sign that the mind works hard to screen sirens, noisy traffic, doors slamming and other noises that disturb your sleep. Researchers said more could coax the brain into producing more able to help more people more refreshed in the morning.
"We wanted to investigate what brains do to encourage a stable sleep, even in the face of noise, and why some people stay asleep longer than others," said Jeffrey Ellenbogen, of Harvard medical school in the United States as quoted by the Daily Mail. Sleep environment we are increasingly complex and problematic, with all sound like a ringing telephone, in our modern lives are solid for 24 hours in seven days.

Ellenbogen said the purpose of the study was to find a way out based on the brain that integrate people who are sleeping in a modern environment, such as staying asleep even in the face of noise.
"This discovery brings us one important step closer to realizing that goal," says Ellenbogen. He monitored the brain activity of 12 healthy men and women who spent three nights sleeping in the laboratory. The first night went well and quiet but the next two nights is more noisy, with 14 kinds of different sounds, including alarms, traffic and noise of people talking played harder.

Journal of Cell they report that the brain produces waves at most the most immune to noise. Waves appear only when we sleep, driven by the brain called the thalamus. Deep in the brain, the thalamus voices spreading to other regions of the brain that understands and reacts to the voices.
It is estimated that many of the wave is a sign of the thalamus to work hard blocking processed sound, making us can sleep soundly. In other words, the brain is active even when we sleep and are more active thalamus, we can sleep soundly.

"During sleep, the neurons we are busy doing complicated process, including the study indicated, the waves move his bed to keep us awake by noises in the environment," said the expert in the treatment of sleep problems. It remains unclear why some people make more waves than anyone else. But, learn more about this phenomenon could lead us to the sleeping pills are more effective.

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