Saturday, July 23, 2011

Oracle Entity Framework Beta 2 Released

Oracle, is a company  with wellknown of his database product. not only database, now sun corp already become one with oracle corp.
database of future. "A Smooth-Running Oracle is a Relaxing Experience" is one of hundreds  Oracle slogans, from the random slogan generator.

and now oracle has released his new product,  Oracle Entity Framework Beta 2.
The second beta release is now available on OTN. It includes support for Visual Studio 2010 Service Pack 1, improved Oracle data type mapping support in the Entity Data Model, and bug fixes.
The beta includes the 32-bit Oracle Database client 11.2, which can access Oracle Database server 9.2 and higher. It requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4.

so check thats out, just click the link below .

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