Monday, August 8, 2011

more than 20 members of the Navy Seals of the unit that killed Osama bin Laden was among those missing in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan

Navy Seal US Helicopter
The Associated Press in her earlier reports, writing more than 20 members of the Navy Seals of the unit that killed Osama bin Laden was among those missing in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan.
Operators from SEAL team Six was flown by a crew of 160 Special Operations Aviation Regiment. The information was obtained from a former AP U.S. officials. Both spoke on condition of anonymity because the family was being informed about the loss of their loved ones.

Earlier, the news agency reported a military helicopter crashed in Eastern Afghanistan, killing 31 US soldiers and seven special operations forces personnel Afghanistan. An American official said the possibility of a helicopter that was shot down, in the deadliest single incident for American forces in the war for a decade.
The Taliban claimed that they were menjatuh helicopters with rocket fire. Said to be the remains of the plane was scattered at the scene.
NATO confirmed the accident occurred overnight and that it "is a result of enemy activity in that area." But they refused to release the rincianpara victims.
"We are in the process of accessing the facts," said the US air force Captain Justin Brockhoff, a spokesman for NATO.
President Barack Obama has expressed sorrow over the death of U.S. best troops. He mentions the accident served as a reminder of the "tremendous sacrifice" made by the u.s. military and their families. He says Americans grieve for "citizens of Afghanistan who was killed alongside our troops."

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