Friday, July 22, 2011

Three ( 3 ) Top Android Camera

before i do review with android camera. i'll tell you something interesting, and make the android is valuable and good choice smart phone to be have it.
With Android, not only will you be able to take a reasonably high-resolution photo on your Android phone, you’ll also be able to edit it, and then upload it to Flickr, Facebook, or whatever social network that you have been follow.

1. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
This phone hasn’t received all that much press attention yet, and at the time of writing it’s not available in the US, which probably explains why.
Sony Erricsson Xperia X10 Mini
Sony Ericsson Xperia X10
You could unlock it of course, which you might want to do given that it boasts a fantastic 8 megapixel camera.
This is the highest spec camera on the Android phone market right now, and although there might be some other offerings coming out soon that can rival it, this is your best choice if you’re looking for a top quality camera inside an Android phone.
That being said, it runs Android 1.6 (Donut) and could probably do with more software capability in order to help with editing and uploading the pictures.

2. The Nexus One
Most of the other Android phones on the market are very similar in terms of camera quality.
5 Megapixels seems to be the standard with some sort of image stabilization thrown in, so it’s hard to really say that there are any “Standouts” from the chasing pack.
However, the Nexus One is much more powerful than the rest of the pack, and so offers you a faster way to upload your photos and edit them to your liking.
The camera is decent, and certainly good enough for most people.

3. The Motorola Droid
With an exciting feature set and a hell of a lot of hype, the Droid had a lot to live up to.
In the camera department, it very nearly lives up to that hype, but is still a little bit off from being the “perfect camera phone”.
With a 5MP camera, dual LED flash, image stabilization and 4X digital zoom the Droid certainly boasts some of the best features for any android phone with a camera.
It also comes with a completely revamped editing interface and a huge number of editing settings.
The problem is that this can sometimes feel like the phone is trying to do “too much” – most of these editing settings aren’t particularly useful for example, and the interface isn’t as good as it could have been.
Still, this is a great camera on an already great Android phone, so is definitely worth a look.
The Android market still has a little way to go in terms of hardware to make cameras a “killer feature”.
However, those changes are coming thick and fast, with higher quality cameras being released almost every month on the latest Android Phones.
At the moment my advice would be not to buy an Android phone based on the camera.  The 8 Megapixels on the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 are good, but is it worth buying a phone off the back of it having a good camera?  Probably not.
Smartphone cameras will sort themslves out in time.  They’re going to be better quality.  At the moment they are on phones becasuse the phone has to have one.

in no time many manufacture will make an unique camera to gain as many as can to gain selling point on a phone thats have amazing high quality in every departments.

Android zeus 

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