Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Linkin Park Care For Refugees Lokon

Linkin Park Latest Style
As reported previously, that the famous rock band from California, United States, Linkin Park (LP) will again come to Indonesia and held a concert in Jakarta on September 21, 2011 to come in the main Stadium with Bung Karno look different from before.

According to Jacqueline Losungen, Director of the Big Daddy, the promoter of the event promoter is usually the Disneyland and The Phantom of The Opera, revealed that LP will be present with a social mission.

The digawangi by the band Chester Bennington, Rob Bourdon, Brad Delson, Joe Hahn, Dave Farrell and Mike Shinoda had previously been to Indonesia in 2004. And this year they will be visiting Lady trailer returned while introducing his latest album, A Thousand Sun to occupy the first chart on the Billboard top 200.

"In addition to entertaining fans the concert devoted, LP in Indonesia will also donate Rp10000/tickets for Music for Relief that his plan will be given to victims of the Mount Lokon, North Sulawesi," explains Jacqueline Losungen to KapanLagi.com.

In Indonesia itself, the capacity of a place that offered as much as 25,000 spectators with ticket prices range from Rp 750,000 rupiah to an additional.Not only brought the LP to Indonesia as pemuas thirst LP fans about 2.4 million people, the Big Daddy will also bring back foreign musicians was certainly unusual.

By carrying the name of the BIG WAVE, Big Daddy is ready to bring in 3 great bands at once, i.e., Panic at the Disco, Bad Religion, and a Yellow Card on September 20.

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