Wednesday, August 10, 2011

David and Victoria Beckam payed £ 438,000 per year for a baby sitter team.

Based on article  i was quote some strory that contains  about :

Harper Seven Beckham
The presence of new members in the celebrity family David and Victoria Beckham apparently does not only bring you happiness, but also the hassles! In fact, they have to spend more in order to hire 3 baby sitter at once to Harper Seven Beckham!.

Whatever the reason, which is owned by David and Victoria, the presence of their fourth child, as well as the first daughter after her three sons, Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz, be very special. In fact, because it wanted the Princess to get the best care, David and Victoria rent 3 baby sitter for 3 different shift.

"Of course they've got someone who helps them every time. But it's not cheap. They have to pay £ 438,000 per year for a baby sitter for this team, "said a source at the Daily Star. With the cost of this expensive, David and Victoria reportedly hired a maid in the morning, an Assistant to noon, and night nurse. Everything is obtained from an agency in Los Angeles and working on this since the Harper family of celebrities was born.
And special, this time David and Victoria are careful in selecting a baby sitter. The reason, a baby sitter who leased previously, Abbie Gibson, 28, became the cause of their household feud. "David and Victoria wanted to protect themselves and their families have to pay any handicaps,"

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